Princess Kit

Princess, Scholar, and Feline Inspiration

Enemies of Kit

Antigone "Tig" Morse

One of two criminal rabbits who spread terror through Kit's demesne, Tig is an accomplished burglar, escape artist, and well-documented nose-booper. From his early days, he has shown a willingness to boop defenseless cats with his nose. As he has grown, he has developed his skills as a second-story man who can escape any cage and surmount any barrier. A known wire-chewer and poop-spreader, he has destroyed several fine cat beds in his reign of terror. He also has a reputation for extraordinary tuftiness, and his tufts of loose hair are frequently found as a calling card to his presence.

Ismene "Izzy" Morse

The second half of the "Tigsy" criminal organization, Izzy is the mastermind behind their wave of lupine crime. With anarchic abandon, Izzy is responsible for acts of wanton destruction and arson. With her gentle demeanor and adorable fuzziness she is able to gain the trust of her marks before betraying them with savage nose boops. She has frequently been documented to run over and on top of kitty bystanders in her reign of terror. She has also been known to steal tuna from helpless cats, in a particularly un-rabbit-like display, which attests to her sheer anti-cat malevolence. Despite her seeming calm, she should be considered dangerous at all times.


Dogs are responsible for the majority of crime in Kitsap.